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Showing posts from December, 2021

Black Widow Blog Tasks

  1) List the companies involved in the creation of Black Widow.  The companies that were involved were Marvel and Disney. The distributor for this film was Walt Disney studio motion pictures. 2) What is conglomerate ownership and how does it link to Black Widow? When One company owns everything in the chain. In this case Disney owns marvel therefore Disney is the conglomerate. 3) Analyse the film trailer for Black Widow. What aspects of the trailer tell you this is a big-budget blockbuster movie? One thing that I can point out and that could coincide with this trailer being from a big budget blockbuster movie is the very intense music. Another aspect that could tell you that it is a blockbuster movie is how many action set pieces they have and how quickly everything transitions into mostly even more action set pieces e.g. car flips and explosions. The costumes in the trailer look very expensive and high quality meaning they put a lot of time and effort into them. All of these things c

Film Industry: Marketing - Marvel Cinematic Universe

  1) How many films were there in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) at the time of this article? According to the article there were  22 films  in the MCU 2) How much money have the MCU films made in total according to this article? At the time The MCU films made  $18.2bn (£13.7bn) according to this article 3) Why did Marvel create the Avengers films? In 2007, Marvel was recovering from bankruptcy and had sold off the film rights to some of the company's most popular characters like the X-Men and Spider-Man. Marvel still owned the superheroes who form the core Avengers team - Iron Man, the Hulk, Thor and Captain America - so used the early MCU films to introduce these heroes. 4) Who owns the rights to Spiderman and why is the character now appearing in Marvel films?   Sony and Marvel have now agreed a partnership that allows Tom Holland's Spider-Man to appear in MCU films, while Sony retains the rights to the character. 5) Which company owns the rights to the Fantastic Four a

Ownership and control: blog task

  1) Why did Facebook buy Instagram for $1bn in 2012? Facebook Bought Instagram  because  Paul Kedrosky, a tech investor and author of the Infectious Greed blog, told the BBC: "I understand Instagram has 13 employees - so at $77m a head that makes it the most expensive business deal in history that I can think of." 2) What are the benefits for media companies of vertical integration? Lower transportation costs and turnaround times. Reduced disruptions and quality problems from suppliers. Lower costs through economies of scale. Improved profitability. 3) What are the benefits for media companies of horizontal integration? It helps to create more money and makes the company more popular among readers 4) What is a subsidiary?  a subsidiary is  a company that belongs to another company 5) Give three examples of media companies that have used synergy to maximise the profit from a brand (there is one above to help you). Disney Sony Pictures Motion Picture Group Warner bros 6) Read