WWW- Aside From Q1, You should start well and show knowledge of media terminology. If you can match that on the higher mark questions you will make rapid progress
EBI- Q8+Q9 are holding you back here. Those are the higher mark questions (4 marks and 8 marks ) and you need to write extended paragraphs focused on the question in order to reach the top levels.
Q1- 0 marks
Q2- full marks
Q3- Full marks
Q4- Full marks
Q5- 1/2 Marks
Q6- 2/3 Marks
Q7-1/2 Marks
Q8-1/4 Marks
Q9-2/8 Marks
3) Did you get any media terminology wrong in the assessment? If yes, make a note of it here for future revision:No i don't believe that I did make any mistakes in terms of media terminology
4) Identify one of your stronger questions. Why did you do better on this question?
I believe that question 4 is one of my stronger questions as I could understand and briefly explain target audience
5) Identify one of your weaker questions. Why did you score lower on this particular question?
I believe that question 8 is one of my weaker questions as i wasn't specific enough
6) Finally, write a new, detailed paragraph for Question 9. Use the mark scheme to identify anticipated content you can add to your response and make sure you give examples and write in detail.
Charities prefer to use children because people are morally more sympathetic towards children as they believe that they shouldn't be in the conditions that they are in as they are young people. using children will gain traction to their advert and get it to as wide of an audience as they can.
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