Introduction - Tatler Media pack 1) Look at the Tatler Media Pack . Go to page 2 : how does the editor introduce the magazine? The author introduces tattler as a magazine tailored towards particular people such the higher class 2) Now go to page 4 of the Media Pack. Focus on the print magazine ( NOT - the website). List the key demographic details: age, gender %, ABC1 % (social class), HHI (Household Income), % of those living in London and the South East. What do these demographic details suggest about the average Tattler reader? Age:41, Gender: Female ABCI:83% HHI: £261527 This Suggests that people who are rich are more likely to read the tattler. 3) Look at page 6 . What do Tattler readers think about fashion? How much do they spend? Posh Upper class, Rich neighbourhoods, Large Houses and they spend a lot of money most likely more than the average person's wage. 4) Go to page 10 . What are the spe...