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Showing posts from September, 2021

First 10 Questions

  1)  Which part of the course are you looking forward to most? I am Looking forward To Learning new skills. I would also be looking forward to learn about the media's perceptions of things and how it can effects people. 2) What knowledge and skills do you hope to learn in Media?  I hope To understand why the media chooses negative things to talk about  3) What grade are you realistically hoping to achieve in Media (5-9)? I am hoping to reach a level 6 or 7 4) What was the last TV programme or film you watched? High School Musical The Musical The Series   5) Why do you think that TV programme or film appealed to an audience? Why would an audience like it? It appealed to 2 different type's of audience. one the people that grew up with the movies. two people that haven't watched  any of the movies since it combines elements from the original movies with new fresh idea's 6) What technology have you used to access the media in the last 24 hours? (Radio, TV, phone etc.) Comp